torchgpipe ========== A GPipe_ implementation in PyTorch_. .. _GPipe: .. _PyTorch: .. sourcecode:: python from torchgpipe import GPipe model = nn.Sequential(a, b, c, d) model = GPipe(model, balance=[1, 1, 1, 1], chunks=8) for input in data_loader: output = model(input) What is GPipe? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GPipe is a scalable pipeline parallelism library published by Google Brain, which allows efficient training of large, memory-consuming models. According to the paper, GPipe can train a 25x larger model by using 8x devices (TPU), and train a model 3.5x faster by using 4x devices. `GPipe: Efficient Training of Giant Neural Networks using Pipeline Parallelism `_ Google trained AmoebaNet-B with 557M parameters over GPipe. This model has achieved 84.3% top-1 and 97.0% top-5 accuracy on ImageNet classification benchmark (the state-of-the-art performance as of May 2019). Documentations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 gpipe guide api benchmarks changelog Authors and Licensing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This project is developed by `Heungsub Lee`_, `Myungryong Jeong`_, and `Chiheon Kim`_ at `Kakao Brain`_, with `Sungbin Lim`_, `Ildoo Kim`_, `Woonhyuk Baek`_, and `Boogeon Yoon`_'s help. It is distributed under Apache License 2.0. .. _Heungsub Lee: .. _Myungryong Jeong: .. _Chiheon Kim: .. _Sungbin Lim: .. _Ildoo Kim: .. _Woonhyuk Baek: .. _Boogeon Yoon: .. _Kakao Brain: If you apply this library to any project and research, please cite our code: .. sourcecode:: bibtex @misc{torchgpipe, author = {Lee, Heungsub and Jeong, Myungryong and Kim, Chiheon and Lim, Sungbin and Kim, Ildoo and Baek, Woonhyuk and Yoon, Boogeon}, title = {torchgpipe, {A} {GPipe} implementation in {PyTorch}}, howpublished = {\url{}}, year = {2019} }