Benchmarks ========== ResNet-101 ~~~~~~~~~~ ResNet-101 Performance Benchmark -------------------------------- ========== =================== ======= Experiment Throughput Speedup ========== =================== ======= naive-1 100.506 samples/sec 1.000x pipeline-1 73.925 samples/sec 0.736x pipeline-2 135.691 samples/sec 1.350x pipeline-4 230.216 samples/sec 2.291x pipeline-8 312.945 samples/sec 3.114x ========== =================== ======= The code which is reproducible on Tesla P40 GPUs, and the experiment details can be found in `examples/resnet101_performance_benchmark`_. .. _examples/resnet101_performance_benchmark: tree/master/examples/resnet101_performance_benchmark AmoebaNet-D ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. AmoebaNet-D Performance Benchmark .. --------------------------------- AmoebaNet-D Memory Benchmark ---------------------------- ========== =========== ========== ================ ================= Experiment AmoebaNet-D # of Model Total Model Total Peak (L, F) Parameters Parameter Memory Activation Memory ========== =========== ========== ================ ================= naive-1 (6, 208) 90M 1.00GB -- pipeline-1 (6, 416) 358M 4.01GB 6.64GB pipeline-2 (6, 544) 613M 6.45GB 11.31GB pipeline-4 (12, 544) 1.16B 13.00GB 18.72GB pipeline-8 (24, 512) 2.01B 22.42GB 35.78GB ========== =========== ========== ================ =================